Henwood Associates’ newly formed affiliate Tunnel Hill Hydro LLC has executed Feed-in Tariff contracts with PGandE for the Buckeye and Tunnel Hill projects. These are the first two FiT contracts executed in northern California since the Enron crisis. The projects are located on facilities of the Georgetown Divide Public Utility District. See GDPUD’s press release about the new contracts.
Month: April 2019
2005-04-15 White Mountain Power LLC acquires Cottonwood Canyon Project
SACRAMENTO, California – White Mountain Power LLC has been formed by Henwood Associates and its management to operate the Cottonwood Canyon Hydroelectric Project.
“We have been working with the owner of Cottonwood for the last year to restructure the project,” said Mark Henwood, CEO of Henwood Associates. “We are please to announce that we closed this transaction today and we are able to add this excellent project to our group of plants,” he added. “Collectively we now run four projects with 1.8 MW of installed capacity and 8 GWh per year of production. These are very clean, low impact projects and we are proud of this contribution to environmentally responsible energy production”
“This is a great project that was well engineered when it was constructed” said Don Moss, PE, VP of Engineering for Henwood. “We plan to bring the project up to our standards for remote monitoring and control to maximize production over the long haul” Moss said. “This acquisition fits well with our ability to profitably operate this class of project and we hope to acquire other, similar projects”
About Cottonwood Canyon: The Project utilizes waters from the 14,000 foot White Mountain Peak in Mono County California. The project has installed capacity of 750 kW with a 600 kW contract rating and operates year round. The project’s twin jet Pelton turbine operates under 1,500 feet of head. Power output is sold to Southern California Edison under long term contract.